About Operation Paperback

Operation Paperback began in 1999, sending its first shipments to Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. We have since shipped 2.9 million books to over 30 locations overseas.

We have 19,000+ volunteers from all 50 states. These individual citizens, American families and community groups form a network of shippers that send around 15,000 books per month.

Over the years, we have earned commendations from the President of the United States, the governor of Maryland, the mayor of Baltimore, and the United States Junior Chamber of Commerce. We have also been featured on television and in print media. While we value the praise we have received at home, the words that mean the most to us are those that come directly from those we serve. They let us know that our efforts are appreciated every day.

Operation Paperback is a non-profit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization incorporated in the State of Pennsylvania. Our EIN is 41-2209836. To view our incorporation records online, please visit: https://www.corporations.pa.gov/search/corpsearch. Donations to our organization are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. We are happy to provide receipts for any donations received.